

Ultra-thin needles are inserted into specific points, re-establishing the balance of our neuro-hormonal system.

Auricular Acupuncture

Needles are inserted along the outer ear to regulate our body functions via the auricular nerve system.


Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but the points are stimulated by pressure or essential oil instead of needles.

Soft Tissue Manipulation

In conjunction with acupuncture, Tuina (Asian massage) also can be used to restore structural-skeletal function.

Moxa & Moxibustion

Moxa (aged mugwort leaves) can be burned over a large local area or over acu-moxa points to bring warmness and yang energy into the body, which helps promote healing.

Herbal Medicine

Formula, a combination of herbs, tailored specifically to an individual according to his/her TCM diagnosis, to restore their well-being.

Infrared Lamp Therapy

Infrared light penetrates between 2 to 7 centimeters deep, helping with cell repair and regeneration, to reduce pain and muscle tension.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping and guasha have similar functions. They restore tissue structure and flexibility, increase blood detoxification, and improve energetic flow.

Clinical Aromatherapy

Undiluted essential oil is a form of herbal medicine. They can be use individually or in a formula to help our mind and body heal.
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